Monday, 19 August 2013

Stay at home mom

So we've had a quieter few days mainly staying around the home in anticipation of an impending arrival*:

We've baked (gluten free, wheat free, dairy & egg free) cookies with the children; we've hung out with the neighbours;  we've played in the street; we've been grocery shopping; we've been for a walk through town and visited (the most awesome) ice-cream parlour; we'be been for lattes. We've chilled.  In-between we've chatted with friends, skyped Ben and Chester (our puppy), and learnt a-lot about the american life-style.  In all - were loving it.


We can wave like the queen!

Playing cars

The beautiful animas river


Dowtown Durango

The 'trolley' (free transport around town)

Historic Strater Hotel 



Our beautiful friends

Breakfast American Style

How did I get so cute?

* I was honoured to catch the beautiful little cutie pie in November 2011 - we are waiting for a new sibling to arrive.

angela xx

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