Wednesday, 16 October 2013

On the home ed bookshelf

This weeks reads from the Horler Hub:

The Brothers Grimm
This week we are visiting Woking theatre to see 'The Sleeping Beauty' with music by Tchaikovsky.  I wanted to explore 'Fairy Stories' - not the pink, fluffy, Disney ones (blurgh), but the original Fairy Tales I read as a child.  This book is a comprehensive volume of the complete fairy tales by The Brothers Grimm and we are enjoying reading them.  Even Noah, who thought Fairy Tales were for girls!

The Elephant in the Classroom
Maths seems to be the one subject that evokes fear into any adult I talk to about home ed: "I can't do maths.  How do you teach them that." etc etc.  Sophie adores maths and is flourishing under her tutor; I DID enjoy maths until a secondary teacher killed my enthusiasm: determined to help my children enjoy maths as a 'living life skill', I am working through this book on the recommendation of a friend's blog.  It explains so well why people fear maths, and yet why maths is such an important life skill!  If you have a fear of maths and want to help your child with maths or feel more confident yourself, this is the book for you.

It starts with Food!
Earlier this year, my friend did not stop raving about 'The whole 30' plan she was following, and how it was having a huge transformation on her life. Blah Blah Blah I thought as I half listened with interest (having been a 'yo-yo dieter' my whole life, I put it down as another fad I wasn't going to follow).  6 months later, and my friend was still going on about the benefits, so I decided it was time to read the book and find out for myself.  I read the book whilst travelling, and 3 weeks ago we commenced the eating plan.  I have NEVER felt so well in my life.  I sleep, I have energy ALL day, I am not hungry, I don't have stomach ache, heart burn or indigestion any more.  I no longer crave sugar (I was a two teaspoon in every hot drink lady) and I am convinced on the benefits of eating this way. I have also lost 8lbs (whoop whoop).  

I will ease off on the strictness of 'The Whole 30' at the end, but I do plan to continue pretty much eating the same way.  I want to feel like this always, and really, that slice of white toast just simply isn't worth it!

Which book will you choose to add to your bookshelf? 

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