Thursday, 22 November 2012

Puppy Power!

This week we have been learning some very important skills: infection control and behaviour management  (AKA clearning up puppy poop and trying to toilet train our new Puppy Chester).

Earlier this year we had our very sad and difficult time with Bodhi, our rescue dog.  Bodhi was welcomed into our family, but sadly had so many problems he had to return to Battersea; we were heartbroken, and Bodhi very very sadly had to be put down.  During the difficult time afterwards, our friends beautiful dog had Puppies, and we tentatively thought about whether we wanted to try again: as soon as we met the teenie tiny pups we new that we wanted to welcome Chester into our home and the family consensus was YES!  This came with the caveat from me that everyone had to de-clutter and down size (I also wrote about this) so that I had less to manage and life could feel less 'cluttered'.

Chester arrived on Sunday and it has been great fun (apart from night time when he cries) - my instinct as a mother is to go get him and cuddle him, but for his benefit and ours as a family he has to be bottom of the pecking order (Pack mentality) and we have to leave him to get over it.  It's so sad. The basic rule is if you see the pee/poop you have to clean it, and the children have been really great at this; they love to play and teach Chester  and they are having to work really hard at not arguing around him as the books indicate that aggression breeds an aggressive dog.  This is an unexpected benefit as they can tend to argue quite a bit!

We still miss Bodhi, and loosing him was very tough for all of us; hopefully Chester will bring something special to us all.  And hopefully we will get our full nights sleep back very soon.

angela x

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