Tuesday, 14 January 2014

Home ed book-shelf: Getting back to basics

I love the start of a New year; it's the time and opportunity to revisit and reflect on where you are at and where you are going.  With that in mind, this selection of books is to re-inspire!

 Under Pressure: Putting the Child Back In Childhood
 Of my three children, one is most definitely moving away from childhood, one is on the brink (sometimes a child, other times yearning to be older) and one is still very much a child!  It is so easy to move children forward too quickly; our adult world consistently impinges on their needs and developments - and our own concerns and worries about 'keeping up' may lead us to push children (and ourselves) to the edge.  This book reflects on modern life, education and the basic needs of children.  I am re-reading it; as a result we are on a screen detox this week.  The i-phones have been put away, the second lap top closed, the i-pod shut down and the TV covered.  It's day two; the energy in the house is already so different.  Books are being read, games are being played and it is much noisier (is that a good thing?) as the children talk and play and sing instead of being sucked into the vortex of cyber space.  Loving it!

Nature's Playground: Activities, Crafts and Games to Encourage Children to get Outdoors
I am not that imaginative when it comes to being outside, but when I have been outside I feel rereshed and whole again (unless it's pissing down with rain - then I just feel wet.) Getting the children involved with wanting to be outside can be a challenge; this book is full of great ideas for children of all ages (and adults) that takes you through the seasons with simple ideas for enjoying nature and the outside.  Our home ed plan is to tackle one activity a week!

The Life Organizer: A Woman's Guide to a Mindful Year
Last year was so involved in the campaign to save Independent Midwifery and so busy with births, that I feel I was constantly rushing (apart from our time out in the states) and not as mindful of myself as I would have liked.  I purchased this book a couple of years ago, but last year it sat on my bedside table for 12 months without being opened.  I plan to use it this year with intention, to centre myself, nurture myself and find time to follow some of my own dreams.

Which will you add to your bookshelf?


Wednesday, 1 January 2014

Welcome 2014

Happy New Year! and all that Jazz.

It's been a while since I blogged; not for the want of writing, but because my computer was a bit messed up with viruses and pop-up adds that prevented me from posting.  All resolved now thanks to a family friend who had his arm twisted in helping me sort it. Well I am his wife's Midwife, so I think he felt he better help if he wants me to turn up on the big day!

2013 - what an amazing year.  We travelled, we campaigned, we laughed, we cried and we were a family muddling through life very much together.  I'm not sure a great deal of learning or 'home ed' took place, as there were many times when the only sound in the house was my fingers on the key board (working on the campaign) accompanied by my "Shhhs - I am working".  Some people reassured me my children would be learning so much from me.  Like Fuck.  They learn't how the back of my head looked and that campaigning to save a profession against a Government who knows NOTHING about birth and woman's choice is a bloody nightmare.  Still, we've nearly won so I guess that was worth it.

So 2014 was rung in; for us it was the wonderful Gary Barlow (I Love Gary) and the the Fireworks on the TV.  Perfect.

As we look ahead to the next 12 months, we are full of excitement for all the year holds.  2012 was a very challenging year, so to have had lots of blessings in 2013 makes us more positive for the year ahead.  Anything is possible if you believe, and we are sending out lots of energy for a year of possibility's.  This might include a house move, a book and some travelling.  Not sure in which order, but I am sure that wine will be involved somewhere.

Sophie is steadily working towards some GCSE under tutors whilst Lily, Noah and I are planning some interesting projects.  I will be doing less campaign work so that I can really support them this year in their learning journeys and have already ordered the resources to support us for the Spring Term (watch this space for more regular posts).  I also have some plans for me too (no, not a baby), just personal goals I put aside in 2013 for the campaign.

I got side-tracked in 2013 with spending and consumerism again,so this year I a really want to focus on living with less and what really matters.  My inspirations for 2014 are:

Be More with Less


Susannah Conway

More Yoga

It starts with Food


I look forward to sharing our journey with you.
Sending you positivity for 2014.

angela xx